Repeat After Me: Google Adsense Sucks!

12 10 2009

So there has been many occurrences that Google Adsense advertiser came up with a cockload of a page with 999999 x infinity excuses explaining why they won’t pay a blogger their hard earned money by running their ads on their blogs.

Many bloggers has been victimised when they tried to cash out their money. Worst still, out of the fucking blue moon, bloggers got banned for NO APPARENT REASON WHATSOEVA from that stupid ad service foreva.

There goes the free ads campaigns they run on their blogs and yet nobody get a dime. So repeat after me people.


This is a community service warning to all bloggers. Stop being used as a tool. You have a choice. You can make a difference. Use Adbrite.

WordPress is Lamer Than I Thought

12 10 2009

You need to upgrade and pay a price in order to create custom CSS? That is like saying I get a good sex for free and then pay the man for every cockpile of sperms that enters my vagina? or even if he pulls out, I still pay for the spills? Might as well you put a tag on your forehead saying..

Sperm For Sale. 10dollar Per Litres. Take it Or Leave It.

LMAO. WordPress. *rolleyes*

Bun Is Awesome Too

12 10 2009

That’s for lunch. What more can you ask for when you’ve been floured too long and is basically numbed to flour your entire life? By that, I mean more than 365×4 days of your life. Well, you do the math.

It’s bun-time!

Oh, I need to check on my Cafe World app on facebook too.

Moral of the story is, eat more bun. You’ll have fun! XD

Corn Is Awesome

12 10 2009

When you’re damn hungry, everything, even shits taste awesome. Trust me.

Had ONLY gluttonous rice with chicken and pork this evening. With a glass of OH-SO-SWEET-Teh-Ngalat at Rainbow Square. That’s like a prelude appetizer to my unceasing hunger. Not even enough to stuck in between the clefts of my teeth. Ya feel me?

So, please. Gimme somethin to eat. Anything. And you, And you, And you…..You gonna feeeeeeeed me!!

Thank you I love you! 🙂

I Created A New CatchPhrase

12 10 2009


Pronounced as: Bahk-azz

meaning: Female Dogs/Human being with a Cunt/Fuckface/Sohai or the liked.
A new word to call someone “bitches”.

e.g. “Oh c’mon, not a another word, bachass!”

“Move it, Bachass! Get off the fucking lane.”

I actually think it sounds very domesticated. LOL

So I Made A New Blog

12 10 2009

What do you expect? Me first timer.

You can expect a shitload of unpleasant series of unfortunate events going up from here forth, so sit back and don’t ask a damn question.

Oh, I’m so overwhelmed I made a new blog, let’s celebrate! If you don’t feel me, well fuck off! I don’t blog to please you. The reason why I blog? I don’t need to tell ya, do I? Cause I don’t usually fancy giving explanation to my every actions. Whatever it is.. I appreciate that you’ve heard me.